mango tango baby. frozen mango. chopped mango. shredded mango. whole mango. spooned mango. EAT THA MANGO AHH.
MANGO is first of all delicious and second of all nutritious. It may be full of sugar and carbohydrates, but it's all the good guys. Its beautiful color will successfully help you to build beautiful skin and give you a glow. And a bolt of energy to accompany it :D.
Beta-carotene (vitamin A antioxidant), potassium, and fiber content make mangos a great choice to keep you trucking through your day. Put it in a smoothie, eat it with a spoon, or toss it into a salad. mango makes you tango. proven fact.
Mangos have been used in multiple studies in cancer research. Specifically gallbladder cancer. Eat mangoes. Don't get gallbladder cancer.
OKAY LADIES Mangoes are really good snack to munch when the moon is full (menstruation). Their high iron content will fight against people with anemia, and their high potassium and magnesium will keep you from cramping. WOAH