hallelujah you've made it to your bed again. Here's some friends that will help put you to sleep and wake up happy

almond butter

slather it on your dessert. Almond butter is mostly fat so it digests very slowly. That means eating it before bed will allow for it to gradually breakdown. This gradual release into your bloodstream will keep you steady throughout the night and steady bloodsugar means steady zzzzzz's. 

tart cherries

Cherries are naturally high in melatonin, a hormone involved in putting you to sleep. So put a cherry on top and hit the hayy. 


oh baby. You're about to enter the desert. Your bed = the sahara. 8 hours of no water. oh the horror! swig back 8 oz of water right before you go to sleep to properly prepare yourself. This is CRUCIAL to digest a days worth of eating. You can't do anything without water. It's the most valuable thing to your body and it's free. So drink it. Drink it all the time. Especially before bed. But also don't pee the bed.