

okay so watermelon. water. melon. watermelon. this guy is full of water. But you probably already knew that. SO obviously, he's really good at hydrating you!! 

But he's more than just a cup of water! Watermelon works hard to deliver you with nurtients in the midst of hydration. Watermelon is low in sugar but high in vitamins that make you stronger. It's an anti-inflammatory and a beautifying food. Watermelon is a great thing to include in your everyday life. It has stuff like lycopene and citrulline to help make your heart happy too!!

Although it has all these wonderful things going for it, there is a catch. Watermelon digests super fast. You have to eat if by itself. Try to not food combine with watermelon. Because it's quicker than the other guys, it needs to be eaten first. If you eat a steak and watermelon at the same time, you might feel a bit bloated :) So eat watermelon by itself for a healthy snack, or in a smoothie with other guys that are fast at digesting too!

Eat watermelon to hydrate, aid your digestive system, have beautfiul skin, and make your heart stronger.